Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

We recommend: Dallas Prop D for library facilities

Proposition D in the 2024 Dallas bond program would allocate $43.5 million for library facilities
An important city service for the quality of life of residents is the provision of libraries, but two Dallas branches have long needed replacing and one needs a major overhaul. About $32.4 million of this proposition would fund construction of new, 18,000-square-foot branches at Park Forest and North Oak Cliff. Another $9 million would cover an overdue renovation of the 60-year-old Preston Royal branch, extending its life for at least another 40 years. About $2.1 million would bring eight branches citywide into compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. The city has already completed the three library projects funded by the 2017 bond program. It’s time to move forward with additional ones in accordance with the city’s library facilities plan.
